Please find a copy of the Year 6 SATs Week Timetable for week beginning Monday 14th May. Your child will carry out no more than two tests per day giving them plenty of time to rest and recharge their batteries between tests.
During the week of the SATS we will also be running a free Breakfast Club from 8.30 am exclusively for Year 6 pupils each morning of the tests where they will be treated to range of breakfast treats including bacon/sausage butties, pancakes and pastries. We hope all Year 6 pupils can attend.
Your child has worked incredibly hard over the last academic year to prepare for these tests – please ensure they get plenty of rest over the course of the week.
2018 Y6 SAT Timetable
SATs Paper |
Monday 14th May 2018 Commence 9.15 am |
Key Stage 2 English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling tests Paper 1 - Short answer questions. 45 minutes Paper 2 - Spelling. 15 minutes |
Tuesday 15th May 2018 Commence 9.15 am |
Key Stage 2 English Reading Test. 60 minutes |
Wednesday 16th May 2018 Commence 9.15 am |
Key Stage 2 Mathematics Paper 1 - Arithmetic test. 30 minutes Paper 2 - Reasoning. 40 minutes |
Thursday 17th May 2017 Commence 9.15 am |
Key Stage 2 Mathematics, Paper 3 - Reasoning. 40 minutes |
Please remind your child that we are all very proud of the effort they have made throughout the year in preparation for the SATS. Thank you to all parents and carers who have supported their child during this challenging time.
Kind regards
Miss Hall and the SATS teaching team