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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Melissa Bus



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We were extremely lucky to be visited by the Melissa Bus.


Melissa stands for 

Mobile Educational Learning Improving Simulation Safety Activities


This was a fantastic experience!


Throughout the Day

On the day of the Melissa visit, we had a few different activities going on in school.  The classes were split into groups and everyone did a carousel of activities.  

  • Visiting the Melissa Bus
  • CPR training 
  • Investigating in a giant inflatable brain

ERIIC The Brainarium


Educational Resource through Informative Inflatable Cerebrum

As one of only three in the world, we were proud to have Eriic in school.  Eriic is used as an educational tool, supporting delirium, dementia and other neurological conditions awareness.   

We were lucky to have a walk through Eriic, it provided an insight into some of the many neurological conditions, including: Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, dementia, migraine, tumours and more.  The children and staff had a wonderful experience and found out lots of information. 

CPR Basic Training 

Throughout the day, all children had the opportunity to have some basic CPR training.  They all used Mini Anne dolls to practice. Even some of the staff had a try!

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency treatment that tries to restart the person’s heart or breathing when these stop suddenly. It involves:

  • repeatedly pushing down very firmly on the chest (chest compressions)
  • inflating the lungs, either with a mask or with a tube inserted into the windpipe (intubation)
  • sometimes using electric shocks to try to correct the rhythm of the heart (defibrillation)

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