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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow


Earth and Space

During Spring term, children in Year 5 have been studying earth and space. To support their understanding of the planets in our solar system, they produced their solar system to help understand distances from the sun and order of the planets. 

This week, we have been learning about the movement of the moon and the different phases of the moon. We used Oreos to model this. Great fun was had by all!

Living Things and Their Habitats

To end our unit on Living Things and Their Habitats, children produced a PowerPoint to showcase their knowledge on reproduction. Children works collaboratively, using their books and knowledge, to produce an informative slideshow that they shared with their peers. 

Jane Goodall

We are learning about living things and their habitats for this half terms science topic.  One of our lessons was about Jane Goodall.  

Here are some facts about Jane Goodall. 


Name: Dame Jane Morris Goodall
Born: 3 April 1934
Job: Primatologist, conservationist, campaigner
Known for: Being the first person to study chimps in the wild
Important discoveries: Found that chimpanzees have emotions, use tools and eat meat.


She now runs The Jane Goodall Institute


Click the image above to visit the institute website.


As part of our lesson we created fact files about Jane and her exciting adventures with the chimpanzees. 




















In science, we are studying Earth and Space. Children were learning the names and features of the planets. We cut out the planets and made the solar system model on our page. 

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