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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow


History in the Autumn Term…

The Felling Pit Disaster


History in the Autumn Term...

World War 1


In Year 6 this half term we have been learning about WW1.  



One of the things we looked at was life in the trenches.  Taylor wrote this post card home, pretending he was a soldier in the trenches. He used the information he had found out during the lesson.  Well done Taylor! 



We also learned about the Battle of the Somme.  

The Battle of the Somme was one of the largest battles of World War I, and among the bloodiest in all of human history.

We found out lots of information for example nearly half of the British lives lost in WW1 were at the Battle of the Somme. 

  • It had been a terrible battle with 420 000 casualties for the British Army.
  • The French lost 200 000 men.
  • The Germans lost 500 000 men.


We wanted to find out lots of information and we wrote lots of questions.  Using the internet we found out the following:

  • At 3.20am, on the 14th July 1916 the British pounded the enemy lines and the Germans were taken by surprise.
  • The Battle of the Somme was the first-time tanks had been used in warfare.  36 tanks were sent but only 15 made it to the front line because the rest broke down. 
  • Other weapons used were machine guns, mines and poisonous gas.
  • In 141 days, the British had only advanced 7 miles.






A very interesting part of the topic was the Christmas Truce.  Take a look at this wonderful video made about the event.  It was made for a Sainsbury's Christmas advert. 

1914 | Sainsbury's Ad | Christmas 2014

You can also listen to actual soldiers talking about what happened on that wonderful day back in 1914.

















Last Year's Classroom Archive 



This half term we have been learning about the changes in Britain since 1948. 

Britain has changed greatly since 1948. Today people are much richer. They live in far more comfortable homes and ordinary people can afford things that were luxuries in 1948 (like foreign holidays). People are also healthier and they live longer. They also have things like the internet that were not even dreamed of in 1948.

Our challenge:

We were given time to independently research facts from this era.  We found out lots and lots of amazing information. We then collated our information into a presentation. 

Take a look at our wonderful presentations!

Some of us did Google Slide presentations, while others did posters. 


















Keep scrolling to see our amazing Powerpoints and videos. 

We are all very proud of our work!


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