Intent, Implementation and Impact
The role of Religious Education at Larkspur is to help prepare and equip all pupils for life in contemporary Britain by enabling them to acquire a good level of religious literacy. This means to gain an understanding of the diverse beliefs and religious practices of our faith communities, to understand the non-religious view held by a number of people in our society, and to respect the right of all people to make these very personal choices. Through an enquiry-based approach, children will become critical thinkers and able to identify, investigate and respond to a variety of issues and religious questions.
At Larkspur we follow the Discovery RE scheme of work as recommended by the local authority which allows our children to explore, engage and reflect on principal religions and their practices. Lessons take an enquiry-based approach to teaching and learning through key questions. Each key question for enquiry is such that it requires an answer that weighs up ‘evidence’ and reaches a conclusion based on this. This necessitates children using their subject knowledge and applying it to the enquiry question, rather than this knowledge being an end in itself. Discovery RE focuses on critical thinking skills, on personal reflection into the child’s own thoughts and feelings, on growing subject knowledge and nurturing spiritual development. In addition to curriculum time we have external visits to various places of worship and visits in school from different faith leaders which provide the children with valuable experiences. We have the philosophy that children are free to make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief. It is our aim to ensure we inform and develop the skills with which evaluation can take place.
Our belief is that, using an enquiry-based model, children’s critical thinking skills will be developed, their motivation to learn increased, and their knowledge and understanding of, and empathy with people and their beliefs, religious or otherwise, will be enhanced.
Our children will have a better understanding of the religions that make up the UK landscape and how they can learn from and work alongside each other to create community cohesion. All children will be more informed about their position in the world, and the decisions they can make impacting their future. Our RE curriculum will promote inquisitive minds, respect, tolerance and understanding for all those around them including themselves.
Our children will have a deep understanding of the main religions of the world and their community. They will understand the relevance of RE in today’s modern world and how it affects our lives.
Long Term Plan