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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow





Modern Foreign Languages at Larkspur



Our curriculum for Languages aims to ensure that all pupils can achieve the points below:

• Understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources.

• Speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion. and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation.

• Write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt.

• Discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied.




At Larkspur Primary School we have created a bespoke Italian Curriculum that ensures every child has the best opportunity to succeed.  Mr Di Felice (our resident Italian teacher) expertly plans and delivers a bespoke Italian Curriculum which builds on the basics of Italian in Early Years and KS1 to a more progressive understanding of the language in both spoken and written form by the end of KS2.


Teachers and TAs work alongside Mr Di Felice to develop their own knowledge of the Italian language and weave Italian everyday phrases and greetings into their day to day teaching.


Pupils from Reception to Year 2 receive a 30 minute session each week.

Pupils from Year 3 to Year 6 receive a 60 minute session every week.


We also have a weekly Italian Club for KS2 where pupils have the opportunity to explore the Italian Culture through creative activities.  They have even hosted an Italian Coffee Morning!

Within lessons, outcomes are achieved through children completing tasks and activities in the four main skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, singing songs in Italian, and learning about the History and Culture of Italy.


Our interactive and lively lessons promote the enjoyment of, and enthusiasm for, language-learning. Lessons are planned and structured to ensure that key Languages skills are covered throughout the year. Units are structured strategically to enable children to build on language skills learnt previously and to make links, for example in spelling patterns and phonemes.




At Larkspur, we want our Language provision to impact our children in the ways listed below, so that they become confident linguists. In order to achieve that, our children will show the following:


• Strong listening and comprehension skills.

• The confidence to speak with good intonation and pronunciation.

• Fluency in reading.

• Fluency and imagination in writing.

• A passion for languages and a commitment to the subject.

• A strong awareness of the culture of Italy.

• The ability to use language creatively and spontaneously.

• An independence in their studies and the ability to draw upon a wide range of resources.


We monitor the impact of our Languages provision through termly whole school pupil perceptions, termly assessments, lesson observations and the monitoring of Italian books.






Cultural Capital

E.g. visits, visitors, extra curricular opportunities

Early Years

· Sessions for Reception children delivered half termly include a range of interactive activities that cover...

· Colours

· Greetings

· Everyday Objects

· Numbers 1-10

· The family

· Italian Day

· Italian Coffee Morning

· Cross curricular opportunities

Year 1



Numbers 1-10

School Objects


School Actions

Seasons and Colours

Parts of the Body

The Family

The House

Food and Drink



The Weather


· Italian Day

· Italian Club (Weekly)

· Italian Coffee Morning

· Cross Curricular Links

· Visit to Italian Restaurant

· Invite Cook into School

Year 2

Greetings/Parts of the Day


Numbers 1-10

School Objects/School Actions


Seasons and Colours

Parts of the Body

The Family

The School

School Objects


Food and Drink

Numbers 10-20



The Weather

· Italian Day

· Italian Club (Weekly)

· Italian Coffee Morning

· Cross Curricular Links

· Visit to Italian Restaurant

· Invite Cook into School

Year 3

Parts of the Day/Greetings

Colours/Numbers to 20

Basic Phonology

School Objects

The Weather


Numbers to 30

Months and Seasons

Days of the Week




Parts of the Body

The Family

The House

School Subjects

Food and Drink

Animals/Journey to Italy

· Italian Day

· Italian Club (Weekly)

· Italian Coffee Morning

· Cross Curricular Links

· Visit to Italian Restaurant

· Invite Cook into School

Year 4

Greetings/The Alphabet

Physical Description

Basic Phonology

Colours/Numbers to 30

Time/School Actions


The Calendar

The Family

The House

In Town



Food and Meals

Animals and their Habitats



The Weather

Holidays and Landscapes

· Italian Day

· Italian Club (Weekly)

· Italian Coffee Morning

· Cross Curricular Links

· Visit to Italian Restaurant

· Invite Cook into School

Year 5

Greetings/The Alphabet

Physical Description

Basic Phonology

Numbers to 100/time/date

School Subjects/Days of the Week

Daily Routine


The Family

The House

Food and Meals

Animals and Actions

In Town/Actions


Shopping and Currencies


Free Time

Clothes and Seasons

Countries of the World

· Italian Day

· Italian Club (Weekly)

· Italian Coffee Morning

· Cross Curricular Links

· Visit to Italian Restaurant

· Invite Cook into School

Year 6


Holiday is Over

Parts of the Body/Colours

Physical Description

Identity Card

Phonology/Numbers to 1000

School Subjects and School Actions

The Family

The House

Free Time/Verbs

Food and Meals

Activities in Town


Shops and Currency/Festivals

Weather and Seasons

Musical Instruments


Landscape and Actions

Environments and Monuments

Typical Products/Italian                  Museum

· Italian Day

· Italian Club (Weekly)

· Italian Coffee Morning

· Cross Curricular Links

· Visit to Italian Restaurant

· Invite Cook into School


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