During Spring 1, children are learning about money and the risks associated with it. We have looked at how people keep money and where is best to keep different sums of money.
We discussed what investing means and the risks associated with it by playing a game.
As part of our ‘Think Positive’ unit, children have been working individually and collaboratively. Firstly, children wrote poems about what their idea of happiness is. We shared ideas about what makes us happy and wrote an acrostic poem to display this.
We discussed what uncomfortable feelings are and any examples of these. We talked about how these feelings are normal and important for us to feel. However, we discussed how we wouldn’t want to experience these feelings for too long or too often. Children shared a range of great ideas and we discussed examples of when we may have felt these. To finish the lesson, the children played a game of ‘feelings charades’. They read a scenario, and acted out how the person would feel - the rest of the class were excellent at guessing the feeling!