Mixing Music with Audacity
The children from Year 4 have been using Audacity to mix a selection of tracks. Tracks were chosen from royalty free sites such as: Incompetech, Sound Bible and Bensounds and downloaded to the computer. The children then selected part of the track and used the trimming tool to cut the music. The selections were imported into Audacity and effects added where required. The tracks were then exported as a WAV file.
Thank you to Steve, who kindly donated four refurbished computers to our school. The children are delighted.
Podcasts-by Year 6
Year 6 have been creating podcasts this term. They wrote their own script, recorded and edited their production as well as adding and trimming music clips. A selection of podcasts have been published for you to listen to - enjoy.
Digital Imagery.
The children have produced some wonderful photographs this term. They are learning to use photo editing software to change and enhance their pictures. They have produced some wonderful work. What do you think?