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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

PE and Sport Premium

Funding Allocated for 24/25: tbc




PE Sports Premium Budget 24-25

Sports Premium Report 23-24

Sports Premium Report 22-23


Sports Premium 


Larkspur will receive around £17,000 sports premium funding this year. It is continuing to be used to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. The funding – provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – will be allocated to primary school headteachers.  It is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.


Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership 

We have bought into the Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership once again.  As part of this package we have access to centrally organised sports tournaments and festivals as well as extensive work within the local cluster of schools. Being part of the Gateshead cluster ensures that we can integrate and share good practice with other schools and hold inter school competitions.

Children participate in a wide range of tournaments and festivals across all year groups. We are delighted to announce we have received the School Games Mark Gold award last year!

Staff Development

We decided that a key focus and area of development in our school is to develop staff confidence in teaching PE and school sport. Many members of staff had little or no training in PE and specific school sports, so a large amount of the 21/22 funding received went towards training staff including teacher's, TA's/HLTA's and lunchtime supervisors. From this, staff are now confident in delivering the PE curriculum to a high standard following a progressive scheme designed to challenge all children, provide a good level of fitness to all and promote a love and enjoyment of PE. 


Get Set 4 PE
This year, we will teach PE with the support of the GetSet4PE scheme. GetSet4PE works alongside the national curriculum to ensure that our children revisit a variety of sports and skills throughout their education with us. This enables our students to build upon their previous learning, skills and techniques to develop progression in each activity area.  The GetSet4PE scheme allows children to experience two new sports every half term. 

Blazing The Trail

Our aim is to continue to promote physical activity, healthy lifestyles and a love and enjoyment of sport.

We are engaging with Gateshead Sports Partnership to complete Blazing The Trail.  This is an award which promotes both physical activity and the values that athletes esteem to such as respect, endurance and equality.

So far, we have completed the Dance Festival Programme Design and 'Winter Runderland' activities. 

Last year, we are proud to have achieved the Gold award for the Blazing the Trail programme! 


In 22/23, 57% of Y6 met the national requirement to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.

57% use a range of strokes effectively and 52% perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 



In 23/24, 36% of Y6 met the national requirement to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.

45% use a range of strokes effectively and 36% perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. Low class sizes have impacted the percentage for our current year six children. Next year, Larkspur are on track for 70-75% of children to pass all stages of their swimming.





Archived Documents

Sports Premium Impact and Sustainability Report 21-22

Activities for 2020-2021
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