We are very proud to be an Eco-Schools Green Flag Award School.
We display our flag with pride. It hangs below our Eco-Schools display. This shows the whole school and all of our visitors what we have been doing and our plans for our school and community.
Climate Change and ECO School Champions:
Eco Schools Project
Children in year 6 have spent the much of Spring and Summer terms working towards a series of actions set on their Eco Schools Action Plan alongside a small team of pupils who are our ECO Schools Committee. They have worked hard to make some big differences to our school environment and they way we manage systems with ecological principles in mind. Our three main areas for action are:
Take a look at how we are getting on...
Learning through Landscapes Training
Staff at Larkspur were lucky enough to receive some funding for some outdoor education training. They received a variety of new resources to use outdoors with their classes including log seats and den building materials. This has led to more creative opportunities in the outdoors with teachers taking their learning outside and making developing more enquiry based opportunities for our pupils. Year 6 enjoyed making their own Hobbit hole dens from natural materials as well as exploring 2D shape in their local environment .