Intent, Implementation and Impact:
It is our intention in Science to develop in all young people a lifelong curiosity and interest in the sciences. When planning for the science curriculum, we intend for children to have the opportunity, wherever possible, to learn through hands on activities and varied systematic investigations, leading to them being equipped for life to ask and answer scientific questions about the world around them. As children progress through the year groups, they build on their skills in working scientifically, as well as on their scientific knowledge, as they develop greater independence in planning and carrying out fair and comparative tests to answer a range of scientific questions. Each Science unit has an accompanying knowledge organiser which can be used to help reinforce the key knowledge for each unit as set out in the science national curriculum. The knowledge organisers help children to consolidate and retain the science knowledge they have learnt and also reinforce key scientific vocabulary from each unit. Science units at Larkspur ensure that children have a varied, progressive and well-mapped-out science curriculum that provides the opportunity for progression across the full breadth of the science national curriculum for KS1 and KS2.
The acquisition of key scientific knowledge is an integral part of our science lessons. Linked knowledge organisers enable children to learn and retain the important, useful and powerful vocabulary and knowledge contained within each unit. The progression of skills for working scientifically are developed through the year groups and scientific enquiry skills are of key importance within lessons. The progression of these skills is set out in our Science Progression Map. Each lesson has a clear focus. Scientific knowledge and enquiry skills are developed with increasing depth and challenge as children move through the year groups. They complete investigations and hands-on activities while gaining the scientific knowledge for each unit. Interwoven into the teaching sequence is assessment for learning allowing teachers to assess children's levels of understanding at various points in the lesson and to regularly review and evaluate children's understanding. This also enables opportunities to recap concepts where necessary. Our sequence of lessons helps to embed scientific knowledge and skills, with each lesson building on previous learning. Activities are effectively differentiated where needed so that all children have an appropriate level of support and challenge. In addition to curriculum time, we also have regular workshops (whole school and within different year groups), external visits and special science events, throughout the academic year. Regular CPD ensures that teachers are equipped with secure scientific subject knowledge, enabling them to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities while being aware of possible scientific misconceptions.
Children enjoy and are enthusiastic about science in our school. There is a clear progression of children’s work and teachers’ expectations. The learning environment across the school will be more consistent with science technical vocabulary displayed, spoken and used by all learners. Whole-school and parental engagement is encouraged and improved through whole school science events and the sharing of knowledge organisers. Children who feel confident in their science knowledge and enquiry skills will be excited about science, show that they are actively curious to learn more and will see the relevance of what they learn in science lessons to real-life situations and also the importance of science in the real world. Impact is measured not only by formal results, progress and monitoring processes, but also by retention of knowledge and skills, the level of engagement and enjoyment, appropriate use of scientific vocabulary and children's confidence.
Long Term Plan:
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Cultural Capital E.g. visits, visitors, extra curricular opportunities |
Early Years |
Ongoing provision: · Outdoor exploration · Freezing and melting · Floating and sinking · Observing differences in materials · Investigations as they arise through children’s interests |
· Outdoor exploration · Seasonal changes · Animals and their young · Investigations as they arise through children’s interests |
· Outdoor exploration · Growing plants, estimating and observing · Mini-beasts · Investigations as they arise through children’s interests |
· Centre for Life for various EYs knowledge and understanding of the world workshops. · Great North Museum—Creatures great and small workshop · Visit to a farm · Visit to Gibside/Saltwell Park |
Year 1 |
Animals, including humans
Seasonal Changes Ongoing throughout the school year
Everyday materials
Plants |
· Visit to Saltwell Park on a nature walk. · Visit to the Washington Wetland Centre. · Visit to Gibside in Autumn observing seasonal changes. · Centre for Life—Seasons and Weather workshop. |
Year 2 |
Animals, including humans
Living things and their habitats |
Uses of everyday materials |
Plants |
· Success 4 All afternoon on hand and oral hygiene. · Visit to Saltwell Park on a nature walk. · Great North Museum— Nature Detectives workshop · Visit to a farm observing how animals grow. · Centre for Life—Habitats and Food Chains workshop. |
Year 3 |
Animals, Including humans
Forces and magnets
Light |
Additional investigative work |
· Great North Museum—Fossils and Dinosaurs workshop/ Skeletons workshop / Classify workshop · Visit to Sunderland Winter Gardens Museum. · Success 4 All—Forces—challenge
Year 4 |
Animals, Including humans
States of matter |
Sound |
Living things and their habitat
Additional investigative work |
· Success 4 All—Electricity –challenge · Centre for Life—Circuits and Conductors workshop/ Habitats, Food Chains & Classification workshop · Great North Museum—Classify workshop
Year 5 |
Properties and changes of materials
Earth and Space |
Living things and their habitats
Animals, including humans |
Additional investigative work |
· Great North Museum—Mission to Mars workshop / Planetarium visit · Success 4 All—Forces Challenge · Centre for Life—various Space workshops/Pirate Forces workshop |
Year 6 |
Animal, including humans
Evolution and Inheritance
Light |
Living things and their habitat
Additional investigative work
· Great North Museum—Evolution & Adaptation workshop · Centre for Life—various workshops linked to all Y6 topics · Success 4 All—Electricity challenge |