Getting to school on time
- KS1 and KS2 school gates are open from 8:35am until 8:45am.
- Early Years school gate opens at 8:45am until 9am.
Soft Start – Beginning of the Day - Parents and Carers in Early Years can accompany their children into the classroom for the first part of the morning.
Gates close promptly to ensure children are seated in class ready to learn as soon as possible. If you arrive after the gate has been closed, please accompany your child to the main office and provide a reason for lateness.
Using our FREE Breakfast Club is a great way to ensure your child is on time. No need to book, just enter via the main entrance between 8am and 8.20am to enjoy a delicious breakfast and fun activities.
It may not seem important if your child is regularly 10 minutes late, however this means your child misses the register, ordering their lunch and the start of the lesson. If the class teacher has to restart this process for a late child it takes 10 minutes education from the whole class.
If your child becomes a persistently late, you will be contacted by our Family Support Worker to discuss how we can help you to bring your child to school on time.

If your child cannot come to school
We know that parents and carers want their children to learn as much as they can during primary school to help them reach their potential. That’s why we put a lot of emphasis on pupils having good attendance and punctuality.
Sometimes children are not feeling 100% but can still come to school. This handy guide gives advice on common illnesses NHS Is my child too ill for school. We are able, with your permission, to administer paracetamol and prescribed medication if required during the day.
We also understand that on rare occasions children are too ill to come to school and if this happens please contact the school office by phone between 8.15am and 9am to let us know. If we do not hear from you we may undertake a home visit to ensure they are not missing.
School Office Number: 0191 4875628
If your child becomes a persistent absentee, you will be contacted by our Family Support Worker to discuss how we can help.
Please avoid taking holidays during term time unless for exceptional circumstances. If you do plan take your child out of school during term time, please complete a leave of absence form from the school office.
At Larkspur Primary we encourage pupils to achieve regular attendance in school by:
- awarding the class with the best weekly attendance. A certificate is awarded in our Monday Morning Celebration Assembly to the winning class who then receive a 10 minute afternoon break.
- Children who have 100% attendance in week are randomly selected to win a prize.
- awarding pupils who achieve 95%+ attendance in a term. A certificate is awarded in Assembly at the end of each term and those who receive 100 % attendance also receive a book.
- awarding pupils who achieve 100% attendance in an academic year. A certificate, badge and a gift voucher are awarded.