This week is British Science Week!
What amazing science are you going to do?
We all do science everyday...sometimes without even knowing it.
What challenges could you do?
Making Slime
Science Week
During British Science Week we had a wonderful time. We had visitors in school, parents in school and the most amazing activities ever!
Egg Drop Challenge
Make something to protect your egg when it is dropped from the top of a ladder. Will your egg survive?
The Light Bulb Challenge
Make a circuit using wires, batteries and a bulb. Can you make the bulb light up?
Build a Boat
Build a boat that will float and hold coins. How much did your boat hold?
Design a Glider
Design and make a glider using the resources available. How far did your glider travel?
Science Game Station
Using the iPads, have a try of some of our science programmes and games online.
Mobile Educational Learning Improving Simulation Safety Activities
On board the MELISSA bus, we met Daisy. Daisy is a mannequin used to deliver training to doctors and nurses. We had a wonderful opportunity to see how Daisy works and even have a little try.
ERIIC The Brainarium
Educational Resource through Informative Inflatable Cerebrum
As one of only three in the world, we were proud to have Eriic in school. Eriic is used as an educational tool, supporting delirium, dementia and other neurological conditions awareness.
We were lucky to have a walk through Eriic, it provided an insight into some of the many neurological conditions, including: Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, dementia, migraine, tumours and more. The children and staff had a wonderful experience and found out lots of information.
Success4All Learning Bus
Also during Science Week we were visited by the Success4All learning bus. Kirsty has been supporting us in the teaching of STEM science lessons. We have a wonderful time when the bus comes to school. All the children enjoy the challenges they are set.