Hello Year 6. Please make sure you log into google classroom to see this week's home learning. If you can not get on then follow the activities in the timetable below.
When learning at home please make sure you look at the weekly timetable on our school website and log into your google classroom account to keep up to date with messages from your teacher. Each morning please look at the google classroom thread to see if there are any updates from the class teacher. Remember you can ask questions on the google classroom thread if you need any support throughout the day. Please keep in touch with your teacher (me!) and Mrs Slater and share what you have been up to. We have added a slide show to the classwork page that you can upload photographs of your work onto.
Each week there will be a new timetable of activities for you to follow and complete using a variety of online learning platforms and the internet.
Don't forget that you can also use these apps. Click on the icons and they will take you to the login pages.