About the Governing Body
The Governing Body of Larkspur Community Primary School has worked in the past academic year to fulfill its responsibilities and achieve the three core strategic functions:
•setting the vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school
•holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
•overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
The Governing Body is made up of the Head Teacher, one Local Authority representative, one member of staff, two parent governors, and nine co-opted governors. The Chair of Governors is Rev Danie Lindley.
The full Governing Body meets once each term, and we have committees which consider different aspects of the school. All governors are invited to attend the Curriculum and Standards committee and there is also a Resources Committee (This was previously called the Finance, Staffing and Pay Committee)
The Governing Body at Larkspur is made up with members of the local community, current parents, members of the local authority, co-opted members and staff.