Most children enjoy ICT but rarely get the time to explore their particular interest. We aim to rectify this by giving the children different activities to carry out on 'special days'. I Love Larkspur Day offers opportunities for the children to look at the different apps that may not be used within a scheduled lesson. They particularly enjoy making digital music, creating pictures and coding. Many children enjoy making power point presentations of their favourite hobby, pets, games etc, and can carry this out in a relaxed time frame, not governed by learning objectives, and show great creativity in an independent activity.
We hold a lunch time computer club several times a week. Children drop in and work on their own Scratch projects, create a gaming world with Kodu Lab, and make frame by frame animations on Pivot Animator.
The computer suite is open for Breakfast Club users, where the children have an opportunity to play on games, use Purple Mash and the many activities within our ICT webpage.