Dear Parent/Carer
Hawkhirst Visit
With reference to the planned visit to Hawkhirst Scout Centre on Monday 15th to Friday 19th October 2018 a meeting will take place in the Year 6 classroom on Monday 24th September at 2.45pm to outline the trip. We encourage all parents to attend if possible to cover any questions or queries you may have.
Your child will need to be at school on Monday 15th October for 9.15am as the bus will be leaving school at approximately 9.30am. They will need to bring a packed lunch with them.
Please do not allow your child to bring a mobile phone, hand-held game consoles (e.g. DS) or any other valuable items. Card games, puzzle books and DVD’s etc. might be useful.
We have compiled a list of essential items your child will require during their stay:
Usual toiletries etc.
Hair dryer (no hair straighteners)
Bath towels
Lip balm
Activity clothes: tracksuits, t-shirts etc. A few sets are important (not new as they will get dirty/wet)
Lots of pairs of socks – more than one pair per day
Waterproof clothing (jacket and/or trousers)
Wellingtons (very important)
Walking boots if possible
Old trainers
Black bin bag for dirty clothes
Travel sickness tablet for return journey (to be handed to a member of staff)
Calpol or paracetamol (optional)
Medical and contact phone numbers
You will receive forms nearer the date of leaving.
Thank You
Year 6 Team
Hawkhirst Scout Activity Centre.
All participants must give permission to take part in the activities at Hawkhirst Scout Activity Centre. Where participants are under 16, permission must be given by the parent/guardian. Permission for people with medical conditions should also be given by their doctor.
Before permission is given the following must be understood.
Activities at Hawkhirst Scout Activity Centre do carry some risks. The level of risks is low. Many activities involve rough terrain, water and physical effort. Water sport participants should be water confidant. All of these factors should enhance the activity, as they are part of the outdoor environment. There is no compulsion to participate in any activity.
Please complete and return the slip below by Friday 5th October.
Hawkhirst Scout Activity Centre.
I give my child ____________________________________ permission to participate in the activities.
My child is water confident YES NO (please circle as appropriate).
Please state any relevant medical conditions: ____________________________________________________
Signed ______________________________ Parent/carer