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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Year 6 - Educational Visit to the Safety Works Centre

1st November 2018


Dear Parent/Carer,


Educational Visit to Safety Works Centre


The children in Year Six have been invited to visit the Safety Works Centre in Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne on Tuesday 13th November 2018.


Safety Works is an interactive centre and visitors participate in a range of realistic situations which could be potentially life threatening, but which are preventable. The children are presented with a number of problems or tasks to solve and given assistance by trained staff.


We will travel by coach leaving school at 12.30pm and will return to school approximately 3.15pm, depending on the traffic.


Please complete and return the attached reply slip.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Liddle

Head Teacher





I understand that my child ..................................………………................ will be visiting the Safety Works Centre on Tuesday 13th November 2018.



Signed ............................................................ Parent/Guardian




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