6th July 2018
Dear Parent / Carer
As your child is part of the winning house point team this year (Ash), they are to be rewarded with a trip to Gibside on Thursday 12th July.
They will leave school at 9.30am and travel to Gibside by Coach, returning to school in time for normal collection at 3.15pm.
They will need to wear sensible clothes suitable for hot weather conditions (sun cream & sun hat) and comfortable walking shoes or trainers.
If your child is entitled to free school meals and would like a school packed lunch please indicate on the permission slip below. Please note the school does not supply drinks so they will still need to bring their own drinks into school.
We are required by Health and Safety to inform you of the risks of the visit your child is attending to ensure you consent to the risks involved.
Common injuries include slips, trips and falls.
Please complete the form below and return it to school as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Mrs M Liddle
Head Teacher
I give permission for my child _____________________________________ to attend the Gibside trip on Thursday 12th July 2018.
My child requires a School packed lunch. YES / NO
Signed _____________________________ (Parent / Carer)