The Christmas Fayre is fast approaching and we are
now working to confirm our stalls. We hope to have a wide variety on offer this year to hopefully get you into the spirit of Christmas!
If you or any friends or family, would like to hold a stall at our Christmas Fayre please get in touch. All that we ask is for a small donation of your profit to be donated to our school.
We require as much help as possible to raise some much needed funds for our school. We are looking for some donations towards the various stalls and we would greatly appreciate your help and generosity.
Listed below are some of the items that would be greatly appreciated!
Any teddy bears that are in good condition (or even new!) which require a new home
Bottles of wine for the ever popular Christmas bag game
Nearly new stall – books, games, toys etc. (please check they are in good working order and not missing any parts)
Donations for the tombola – chocolate, toiletries, hampers etc.
Raffle donations – All donations welcome including those from local businesses.
Cake stall
We would greatly welcome any donations. Please can we ask that any home- made or bought cakes are brought to school no later than 9.00am on the day of the Christmas Fayre (Friday 7th December) .
If you feel you can help in any way with our Christmas Fayre then please get in touch. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you for your continued support
Larkspur Primary School