14th November 2018
Dear Parents,
As part of our Creative Curriculum work, we propose taking the children in Year Four and Year Five to Jarrow Hall in Jarrow on Thursday 22nd November 2018. Jarrow Hall is the name that Bede’s World is now known as.
The bus will leave at 10.00am and return before the end of the school day.
Sensible clothing and footwear will need to be worn and children should take a waterproof jacket in case of poor weather.
The children will require a packed lunch. Children entitled to free school meals can be supplied with a packed lunch from school by completing the attached reply slip and returning it as soon as possible. All children need to take their own drink.
We are asking parents to support us by making a contribution of £5.00p towards the cost of the visit.
Please complete and return the attached reply slip as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs M R Liddle
Head Teacher
I give my permission for my child ................................................... to visit Jarrow Hall on Thursday 22nd November 2018. I enclose a contribution of £5.00 towards the cost of the visit.
Signed .............................................…………….............. Parent/Guardian