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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

British Values

British Values

As a school we also actively promote the fundamental British values of:


  •          democracy,
  •          the rule of law
  •          individual liberty
  •          mutual respect and tolerance of those                with different faiths and beliefs


At Larkspur these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways:


As a school, we mark and celebrate local, regional, national celebrations and events such as: Remembrance Day, Queen's Diamond Jubilee, Olympics, Eid, Diwali, Chinese New Year.

We have excellent relationships with our two local churches which enhances opportunities including Y6 Leavers Service and SMSC workshop, carol service, experience harvest/Christmas/Easter workshops and we also participate in different religious events across the year organised by our Chair of Governors, Rev Danie.

As a school, we provide children and our community with clear opportunities to make positive contributions through direct involvement in charitable activities such as: Red Nose Day, Children in Need, FACT Cancer Charity and charities close to the hearts of families in our community.




Democratic values underpin the ethos of the school. Children are listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully to each other, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard. Our children have the freedom to make choices.

We hold democratic elections for different pupil committees such as School Council, Eco Team, Head Boy/Girl and decisions across our school are influenced by the work they carry out. This demonstrates to children democracy in action.  Democracy is also woven into our curriculum with many lessons in PHSE, RE, English and History provoking healthy debates and discussions.



In our school we believe everyone is special and unique. Mutual respect is a core value that is at the heart of our school ethos and behaviour policy.


Teachers are positive role models at all times.  Assemblies and collective worship teaches respect for all. RE lessons and themed days teach children about other faiths, culture and traditions, such as St. George's Day, Eid and Chinese New Year. PHSE is an important part of our curriculum. Our strong links with our community are strengthened through a range of collaborative projects including: NWN Family Workshops where families from different backgrounds share their skills and cultures alongside their children.  Visits to Mosques, Temples, Churches are woven into our RE curriculum to help children gain insight into different faiths and traditions.


Through these activities, our pupils learn to combat discrimination and improve their understanding of the importance of respecting the many different faiths in Britain and the world today.




Our school rules are displayed in every classroom and are consistently reinforced throughout each day. Children are taught to understand the value and reason for national social laws; that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.

The importance of having rules that we live by are consistently reinforced including when dealing with behaviour, through school assemblies and special curriculum projects.



At our school we have an inclusive approach where all children are recognised as individuals. We encourage children to take responsibility for the choices that they make for example, behaviour choices, participation in extracurricular activities, sporting opportunities as well as through the PHSE curriculum.

 We encourage children to have opinions and to discuss issues. This ensures pupils are given the freedom to make choices as well as knowing their rights and responsibilities.



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