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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Year 6 visit - Lightwater Valley (8.6.18)

Year 6 visit - Lightwater Valley (8.6.18)
We propose taking the Year 6 children to Lightwater Valley in North Yorkshire on Friday 8th June 2018. The school will pay towards the cost of the transport for this visit; however a contribution from parents of £20 is required. We are also currently organising an additional sporting trip and this will be at no further cost. 

The children will need to be at school for 8.15am, with the bus leaving at 8.30am. We should arrive back at school at approximately 5.00pm.

Sensible clothing and footwear will need to be worn and children should take a waterproof jacket in case of poor weather.

The children will require a packed lunch. Children entitled to free school meals can be supplied with a packed lunch from school by completing the attached reply slip and returning it as soon as possible. All children need to take their own drink.

Please complete and return the reply slip sent home with your child as soon as possible.

Thank you 
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