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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Year 6 - Fun Run 25.5.18

Dear Parent / Carer,


Your child has been selected to participate in the Gateshead Schools Fun Run at Saltwell Park on Friday 25th May 2018.


We will be travelling by coach to Saltwell Park leaving School at 8.15am. Please ensure your child arrives at school for 8.00am wearing their PE Kit and trainers, and (weather depending) sun cream & sun hat or a coat / waterproof jacket and their water bottle. We will be returning back to school at 12.45pm therefore please can we ask that all children bring a packed lunch. Children entitled to free school meals can have a packed lunch provided by school free of charge, please indicate below if you would like a school packed lunch.


Spectators are allowed to come to watch this event and encourage us along!


Can you please complete the reply slip sent home with your child and return it to school as soon as possible.


Thank you.

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