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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Year 5 - Dance Festival - 21.03.2018

This term Year 5 have had an amazing time training with a dance coach. This is in preparation for a fantastic opportunity to showcase their talents at The Dance Festival which is being held at The Sage. This will take place on Wednesday 21st March 2018. Many schools across Gateshead will also perform at this festival. The time Year 5 have been allocated on this day is between 10.00am -12.00pm.


If you would be interested in watching your child’s performance please return the reply slip including payment by Wednesday 21st February. If this is not returned in time we cannot guarantee any tickets will be available as this event is being run by Gateshead Council for all primary schools in Gateshead.


Due to many schools performing your child may be photographed, videoed and used for future promotional content by The Sage or Gateshead Council. If consent is not given for photographs and videos, unfortunately your child will not be able to attend the Dance Festival, as this cannot be avoided. If you have any queries about this please do not hesitate to contact me.


The children are very excited about this huge performance and we  look forward to welcoming everyone who can come.


Kind Regards


Miss Tahir

Year 5 Teacher




I do/do not give consent for to have photographs/videos taken.


Please indicate which ticket you would like:

Ticket Type

Number of Tickets Required

Adults (£7)


Under 16’s (£5)


60+ (£5)



I have enclosed £ to purchase the above number of tickets.


Parent/Carer Signature: Date:






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