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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Year 3 - Pedestrian Training

Larkspur Primary School is taking part in Gateshead Council’s ‘Go Smarter’ Child Pedestrian Training Scheme. The programme gives tremendous potential to improve young children’s judgements and behaviour in traffic, so laying strong foundations for the future.


The scheme is not intended to make children independent road users.


All children in Year 3 will get training every Friday morning between 8th June – 13th July 2018. (apart from 29th June 2018)


The programme will consist of four practical sessions where the children will be given guided lessons and practice at the roadside by adult trainers with no more than three children to one adult and two classroom sessions. Could you please ensure that the children come to school in suitable clothing on the training days. The children and trainers will be wearing hi-visibility waistcoats when out at the roadside.


However, if you do not want your child to take part, please either inform the class teacher or the school secretary.


Please remember that this training is a long-term project and is preparing children for future safety on the road. We strongly recommend that they be supervised by an adult outside of school hours and be accompanied by an adult whenever crossing the road.


If you have any questions about the training please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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