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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Summer Holiday Club

Dear Parent / Carer


We are delighted to be able to offer you “Summer Holiday Club” for the first week of the summer holidays. We have received funding from Gateshead Council from the “Fill the Holiday Gap” programme aiming to address health and educational inequalities to provide a free Holiday Club.


The club will run from Monday to Friday of the first week of the Summer Holidays from 10.00am to 1.00pm and there will be 30 places available each day.


The programme will be delivered by some of our school staffing team and children will take part in a range of art, cooking and sporting or outdoor activities and all children will be provided with a two course lunch by the Council’s Catering Services.


If you would like to reserve a place for your child/children please indicate choice of days on the form below and return it to school by Friday 13th July so we can allocate places and continue with planning. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


You will be informed if your child / children have a place on Monday 16th July 2018.


There is no charge for the club or lunch however if your child is allocated a place we would expect them to turn up for their session.


Yours sincerely


Mrs Liddle



Holiday Club


I would like my child / children _________________________to have a place in Holiday club on (TICK BOXES)
















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