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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

NEW PE Timetable March 2018

Due to staffing timetable changes the days in which your child has PE has now changed. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school on these days.


May I remind you as the weather warms PE lessons will move outdoor; therefore suitable footwear is required.


If you have any spare PE clothing that you no long require, we welcome all donations.


If your child does not have their PE kit in school, your child will use a spare PE kit / footwear provided by school.


Nursery – Wednesday (am)

Reception – Thursday (am)

Year 1 - Tuesday (am) & Thursday (pm)

Year 2 - Tuesday (pm) & Wednesday (pm)

Year 3 - Monday (pm) & Tuesday (pm)

Year 4 - Swimming lesson Monday (am) & PE Friday (pm)

Year 5 - Monday (pm) & Wednesday (pm)

Year 6 - Thursday (pm)


Thank you.



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