Increase in cost of school meals
I am writing to advise you that from today Monday 8th January 2018, the price of a school meal will be £2.20p a day; £11.00p per week.
Our school meals are provided by Gateshead Council’s School Catering Service which is nationally recognised for providing a quality service. Gateshead School Catering Service has faced rising costs, yet have made every effort to keep any increase in price to an absolute minimum.
Our school meals are excellent value for money, and our menus offer plenty of fresh ingredients, often from local suppliers, served up by a skilled and experienced team. School meals offer children the chance to eat a nutritious, tasty meal in a sociable, safe environment.
School meals should be paid for in advance by cash or cheque made payable to Gateshead Council. School meals cannot be provided without the school first receiving payment.
If you think you may be entitled to free school meals, please contact the Benefits Section at the Civic Centre on 0191 4333729 for more information.
If you would like to know more about school meals, or to see a menu, please visit or ring the school meals free helpline 0800 169 2780.
Thank you.