Dear Parent / Carer
On Friday 7th December at 1.30pm we are holding the Christmas Fayre. All of the children in Years 4, 5 and 6 will be able to attend unaccompanied by parents, but children in Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3 will only be able to attend if they are collected by a parent from their classroom. Children not collected by a parent will be looked after in the Early Years classroom.
Donations for either raffle prizes or tombola prizes will all be gratefully accepted. Please leave all donations at the school office.
If you wish to donate toys or books, which are in good condition that your child no longer uses, please leave them at the school office.
If you are able to donate some cakes or biscuits for the cake stall, please send them into school on Friday morning. ‘Home made’ or ‘shop bought’ all donations will be gratefully accepted.
Santa’s Grotto, Christmas Gifts and cards, Tombola, Water or Wine Run, Name the Bear, Treasure Hunt Game, Guess the number of Sweets in the Jar and lots more.
Refreshments will be on sale.
I hope that you will support the school by attending and joining in all of the fun.
Kind Regards
Mrs Liddle