Dear Parent / Carer
Aladdin – Gateshead Stadium
In line with usual Christmas tradition, children in Years One to Six are invited to see the Christmas Pantomime “Aladdin” at Gateshead Stadium on Tuesday 18th December 2018.
We will be travelling by coach leaving school at 1.00pm for a performance starting at 1.30pm. The show is expected to finish at 3.50pm, which means we would arrive back at school at approximately 4.20pm.
The visit is substantially funded by the school so there is a cost of only £7.50p per child.
If you would like your child to be included in this visit, please return the attached reply slip with payment by Friday 23rd November 2018.
Yours sincerely
Mrs M Liddle
Head Teacher
Reply Slip
Aladdin – Gateshead Stadium
I would like my child ……………………………………..Class …….. to be included in the visit to see Aladdin on Tuesday 18th December and enclose £7.50 payment.
Signed………………………………………………………………….Parent / Carer