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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Year 3 Residentail Visit - Vindolanda & The Roman Army Museum ( 3rd July 2018)

Dear Parent/carer,



As part of Year Three’s History topic we have decided to take the children to “Vindolanda & The Roman Army Museum” in Hexham on Tuesday 3rd July 2018.


The children will be exploring the remains of a fort and settlement on Hadrian’s Wall. There are military stores, shops, houses and two bath houses. There is also a small museum where the children will encounter a whole range of personal belongings of the Romans. The children will also experience a lesson from a holographic Roman teacher and watch a 3D film which follows the life of a young recruit to Hadrian’s Wall.


We will leave school at approximately 9.15am and depart from Vindolanda at 3.00pm, returning back to school at approximately 4.15pm. As this is an all day visit the children require a packed lunch. Children do not have to wear school uniform but must wear suitable footwear and clothes appropriate for all weather.


Children entitled to free school meals can be supplied with a packed lunch from school by completing the attached reply slip and returning it before Tuesday 26th June. The school meals service do not supply drinks with the packed lunches therefore children must bring a drink from home.


We are now required by Health and Safety to inform parents of the risks that your child may face during the Educational Visit. These may include slips, trips and falls.


We are asking parents to support us by making a contribution of £8.00 towards the cost of the visit and transport.


Please complete the attached reply slip and return it to school as soon as possible.


Yours sincerely,


Mrs M Liddle




  1. give my permission for my child ................................................... to visit “Vindolanda & The Roman Army Museum on Tuesday 3rd July 2018. enclose a contribution of £8.00 towards the cost.


My child requires a school packed lunch YES / NO


Signed.............................................………Parent/Guardian Date ……………

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