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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Friends of Larkspur

Friends of Larkspur 

Friends of Larkspur are looking to recruit new members.  If you are interested, please contact Mrs Dixon. 

We would love to arrange some fun activities for the children while raising much needed funds.  If you have any ideas please let us know.   

SATs Week 

To support our wonderful year 6 children, Friends of Larkspur are providing a special breakfast, each morning of SATs week. 

Tuesday - sausage sandwiches

Wednesday - bacon sandwiches

Thursday - pastries

Friday - pancakes

We hope this sets them up for a good start to the morning. 

Good Luck Year 6 

Bunny Bingo 





Friends of Larkspur have kindly donated £300 towards new art resources for our pupils.  We now have lots of coloured card, glitter, glue and sequins to help towards the seasonal art activities our pupils will take part in.  Thank you so much - we really appreciate your help.smiley

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