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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Home Learning

Home Learning

Friday 15.09.23

Lesson 1:

Reading Plus – please complete at least two books (we’ll take a look on your return at your amazing progress).

Lesson 2:

English Lesson:

Take a look at a range of magical, secret gardens on the internet. 

Write a series of 8 sentences to describe something in the secret garden.  For example:

The tendrils of ivy clung to the rose bushes, weaving their way from one rose to another.

Lesson 3:

Maths Lesson:

Go to Oak Academy and work through the lesson below on ‘Calculating and comparing intervals of time’

Lesson 4:

Art Lesson

Optical Illusion Art – try out the following art work

Home Learning

Thursday 14.09.23

Lesson 1:

Reading Plus – please complete at least two books (we’ll take a look on your return at your amazing progress).

Lesson 2:

English Lesson:

Start by playing the game ‘Crystal Explorers’ on the BBC to test your grammar, punctuation and spelling skills.  Do you have what it takes to find the crystals?

Complete lessons one and two from The Oak Academy:

  1. To explore simple sentences
  2. To explore compound sentences

Lesson 3:

Maths Lesson:

Go to Oak Academy and work through the lesson below on telling the time to am and pm.

Lesson 4:

Music Lesson:

How can we communicate the meaning of a song effectively with our voice?

I’m looking forward to hearing your songs on your return to school.

Home Learning

Wednesday 13.09.23

Lesson 1:

Reading Plus – please complete at least two books (we’ll take a look on your return at your amazing progress).

Lesson 2:

English Lesson:

To explore the four types of sentence - statement, command, exclamation and question

Log on to the link below for a lesson from Oak Academy on sentence types.

Lesson 3:

Maths Lesson:

To identifying the place value of the digits in 6-digit numbers

Try out the following place value games:

Lesson 4:

History Lesson:

Make a list of 6 possible dangers in a coal mine.  Use the following websites and the internet to help you research the dangers.




Year 5 and 6 pupils and families - school closure activities


While we are carrying out health and safety assessments, we are aware your child will need to continue their day to day education.

Your child’s class teacher will ensure activities are posted on their class page on our website:

Many of the activities can be carried out online.  Should your child require their passwords for access to the sites please email with your child’s name.  Your child has access to the following programmes:


  • Purple Mash
  • Reading Plus
  • Topmarks
  • Numbots
  • Scratch
  • TTRS

Hopefully, we can get the children back to school as soon as it is safe to do so.

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