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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow


Recycling Bins


A big thank you to the school council who's letter writing effort resulted in the delivery of new recycling bins.


In an effort to become more environmentaly friendly, the school council decided to write to Gateshead Council for more blue bins for our school.  Gateshead Council replied promptly with suggestions for a variety of bins and the cost.  Fortunately the cost of increasing the bin sizes was cheaper (yes cheaper) than our previous contract.  We now have extra large bins and the children can recycle cardboard and plastic bottles as well as all the paper waste.


Well done.




Well here we are again the beginning of another school year.  The school council have carried out a fantastic range of jobs in the last year and have been a credit to the school - well done everyone. 


Once again it's election time and time to vote for your class representative for the coming year.  If you are interested in becoming a school councillor please contact your current class representative.


Good Luck

Mrs Clark Rocks

School Council Have A New Project. This year we are creating and refurbishing the willow shelter at the back of the KS2 yard. We are inviting children and their parents to come and paint rocks. This project is called 'Mrs Clark Rocks' we are hoping to see you there. 


Mrs Clark was an amazing teacher at Larkspur Primary but was unfortunately diagnosed with cancer. She fought for over a year but unfortunately was beaten. 


This will be taken place on Tuesday 27th of March 2018.

More information will be on the letter.

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