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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

We Love Larkspur Day - Monday 5th November


Monday 5th November, 2018


Dear Parent/Carer,


Here at Larkspur we continually listen to the views of every member of the Larkspur Community.


We strive to make your child’s learning experience as fun and memorable as possible. In response to pupil and parent feedback we have decided to hold a termly, ‘We Love Larkspur Day’ where the pupils have the opportunity to plan and experience their own day of learning.


Pupils have already been questioned to discover what their favourite sessions and activities are and what additional learning opportunities they would like if they were available. From this information we have devised a full day of activities to celebrate what we love about Larkspur. Possible activities will include: arts and crafts, digital technology, sport, drama, dance, gymnastics, enquiry projects, music, cooking and much more.


We would love to celebrate the success of our first ‘We Love larkspur’ Day by inviting parents in to work alongside their child and support the many activities we have on offer.


Coffee and teas will be available in our new community room ‘The Beacon’ should you want to pop in for half an hour or so and see what your child gets up to!


We are really looking forward to the day and thank you for your continued support in helping make Larkspur a place where your child can shine.


Please let us know if you are able to join us by returning the slip sent home with your child.



Kind regards




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