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Larkspur Community Primary School

Growing Towards Tomorrow

Early Years & Year 2 Residential Visit (4th July 2018)

Dear Parents and Carers,


We propose taking the pupils in Early Years and Year Two to Alnwick Castle on Wednesday 4th July 2018. During the visit the children will take part in Role Play and Craft activities.


The bus will leave school at 9.15am and we hope to return to school before 3.15pm. This year the cost of the bus and also entry into the castle has increased greatly. Therefore we are asking parents to make a contribution of £10 per child towards the cost and the remainder will be subsidised by the school.


Your child will need to bring a bag which they are able to carry by themselves containing:

  • A packed lunch and water bottle

  • Sun cream (labelled)

  • Cap

  • Waterproof coat

  • If your child may require medication during the trip, such as an inhaler, we ask that you let a member of staff know beforehand. You should ensure that you hand the medication to a member of staff on the day in its packaging with your child’s name clearly labelled on it.


Children in Reception and Year Two may request a free school packed lunch on the attached form, however children in Nursery must bring their packed lunch in from home. All children need to bring a drink in from home.


Please complete and return the reply slip as soon as possible.


We are now required by Health and Safety to inform parents of the risks that your child may face during the Educational Visit. These may include slips, trips and falls.


Yours Sincerely,


Miss Graham and Mrs Arkless





I give permission for my child …………………………………………………… to attend the visit to Alnwick Castle on Wednesday 4th July.


I enclose £10 towards the cost of the bus and entry into the Castle.


My child requires a school packed lunch. (tick your requirement) £ yes £ no


Signed …………………………………………………….. Parent/Carer
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